Looking to bring some life and color into your landscape during March and early April? Spring annuals are very popular at this time of year. They tolerate the cold temperatures, and Pansies will perform in the low 30’s.

I have several pictures of them popping through a late snowfall. Ranunculous is a brilliant Spring annual that looks almost like a Peony. Remember, Spring annuals don’t like the heat. Don’t plan on using a lot of these plants, just enough to make a statement. As they fade away in June, you’ll begin the transition to Summer Annuals that you’re more familiar with.
Plant spring annuals where you’ll see them. In a container by the main entrance or along walkways. If you use them in combination with your spring bulbs; daffodils, crocus, tulips and Hyacinths; they’ll immediately bring some color to your landscape.
Make a commitment to planting bulbs in Autumn. The pleasure and surprise they bring next year is worth the effort. Mark it in your calendar to visit the Garden Center in September/October and we’ll assist with your selections.
If you have view of the property from indoors, or an area where the birds may be feeding, I recommend planting some of the shrub Dogwoods. These are some of my favorites at this time of year. If you place them strategically, the bold colors of the stems are going to stand out and bring the color we’re looking for. Cornus ‘Arctic Fire’ is a fabulous variety of Dogwood with bright red stems. They’re densely branched and compact so the color is more noticeable as the plants mature. You can thin these plants to rejuvenate them and keep the stems performing optimally.
Don’t forget the perennials. Helleborous, or Lenten Rose, are not used enough. The delicate flowers symbolize the renewal of life that comes with spring. Heather is a hearty perennial that likes abuse. Careful not to overwater these tenacious plants that bloom in conjunction with Witchazel. All these recommendations bloom prior to the most popular spring perennial, Creeping Phlox. This plant is requested more than any other perennial. Once they’re finished blooming, you tend to forget about them. Make a commitment this year to getting some early color in your landscape. Try using all these plants in combinations. You’ll enjoy them each year whether its an early spring, or delayed like this year.