Also known as a Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, the snake plant is one of the most carefree houseplants you can grow.  It thrives in just about any light, prefers dry air and soil, and rarely needs to be repotted.

This succulent houseplant grows stiffly upright variegated leaves.  Some varieties have leaves that are edged with yellow or white.  Clusters of small, white flowers sometimes grow at the base of the plant when it’s a few years old.  Although it rarely blooms indoors and may go years between flowering, it’s a nice surprise when it does.

The snake plant is ideal for beginners due to its carefree requirements but seasoned gardeners also love this accent plant’s dramatic, sword-shaped leaves.  This slow-growing plant will live for many years with minimal care.  Any problems with Sanseveria are usually related to overwatering.  Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings during the growing season, (spring through fall).  In winter, water just enough to prevent the soil from drying out.

Botanical Name: Sanseveria trifasciata

Origin: South Africa

Height: Grows to 2-3 ft. tall.  Choose a wide, heavy container to prevent toppling, this tall plant can easily get top-heavy.

Light:  Low to bright light, including direct sun.  

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Water:  Keep soil lightly moist spring through fall, slightly drier in the winter.  Take care not to water the center of the rosette of the leaves at soil level, its best to water at the outer edge of the pot.

Humidity:  Average room humidity.  Snake plants will tolerate dry air but keep it away from air vents and drafts.

Temperature:  Average room temperatures of 60-75 degrees F. (16-24 degrees C).  It will tolerate fluctuating temperatures, but not extreme cold.

Soil:  Cactus/Succulent soil or any good quality potting mix, needs good drainage.

Fertilizer:  Feed monthly spring through fall with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer, diluted by half.