Aloe Vera plants are hardy, slow-growing succulents that are well known for healing properties of its sap. Many people use the gel-like liquid from a broken leaf to soothe minor burns and abrasions.
Aloe plants grow in rosettes of plump, upward-curving green leaves. These leaves are faintly spotted and edged with soft teeth. Plants grown outdoors, (in southern climates), often bloom in spring with yellow, tubular flowers on tall flower spikes. Plants grown indoors, however, rarely bloom. Aloe Vera plants are easy to grow and are fairly trouble-free.
Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis
Origin: Northeastern Africa
Height: 1’-2’ tall
Light: Needs bright light, with some direct sun in winter months. If you move your Aloe Vera outdoors during the summer, make the move a gradual one. Ironically, Aloe Vera sunburns easily if it is suddenly exposed to full sun.
Water: Keep the soil lightly moist spring through fall, and slightly drier in the winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out completely.
Humidity: Average room humidity
Temperature: Average room temperatures of 65-75 degrees F. (18-24 degrees C).
Soil: Cactus/Succulent potting mix is best. You can also add 1 part coarse sand with 2 parts of all-purpose potting mix.
Fertilizer: Spring through fall, feed monthly with a cactus/succulent fertilizer. Do not fertilize during the winter months.