5 Gardening Activities to Do With Your Child

Whether it's an herb garden in a sunny window or beans outside, gardening can affect your child in positive ways. In fact, PBS reports that kids who take part in gardening projects perform better in science than those who didn't.

Vegetable Gardening Guide Part #1: Starting Your Seedlings

We know what you’re thinking. Will winter ever end? You want to start your garden! We have good news my friends, you have our official Decker’s Nursery approval to start immediately. Even if you still have snow on the ground, it’s not too early to st...

Conrad's Mid-March Planting Guide

March is an exciting time in the northeast, as we begin to transition out of winter and anticipate the spring ahead. We’ll surely have some pockets of nice weather, and there’s no need to be concerned with the possibility of snow or cold temperatures...

How To Bring Bees To Your Garden

Perhaps the hardest working creature in nature is the bee. With 416 species in our area, they provide a necessary function for any healthy garden.  The choices you make now, in the early spring, will determine how beautiful your landscape creations b...

Winter Damage: The Effects Of Recent Weather On Your Trees

During our holiday preparations in December we had a little taste of winter with some night time temperatures dropping below freezing. As the new year emerged, we were greeted with an arctic blast that swept across a number of northeastern states and...

Air Purifying Beauties for Your Home

Some well-placed greenery in your home can not only brighten a space but also purify the air.  Given that people spend 90 percent of their time indoors, air quality matters.  Especially during the winter months when the doors and windows are all butt...

How To Care For A Spider Plant

Spider plants are an ideal choice for beginners.  It’s easy to care for, tolerates average indoor room conditions, and is easy to propagate.  They look best in hanging baskets or on tall plant stands to show off their trailing foliage.

How To Care For A Red-Leaved Dracaena

Also known as a Madagascar Dragon Tree, this plant is a bold accent if you have the space.  This dracaena starts out as a thick tuft of spiky leaves.  As it grows, the lower leaves naturally fall off, leaving a cluster of dramatic, spear-spiky leaves...

How To Care For An Areca Palm

The Areca palm is one of the most popular palms for indoor growing.  Grown indoors it is a medium sized exotic looking plant that usually reaches a height of 6-8 feet.  If grown outside it can reach 20-25 feet tall.

How To Care For A Striped Draceana

Draceana warneckii, like other Draceanas, are hardy, slow-growing houseplants that thrive on neglect.  They are easy to care for and a bold, attractive specimen to any home or office.