Decker's Nursery Christmas Tree Yard

Choose fresh-cut, real Christmas trees to bring home the beauty of nature and the unmistakable scent of evergreen this holiday season. Decker's Nursery offers a large selection of fresh cut Christmas Trees, wreaths, garland & roping to decorate your Long Island home. For more than a decade, hundreds of families have relied on Decker’s Nursery to provide the freshest, highest quality Christmas trees around. We’ve always embraced the opportunity to be a part of your holiday season and we conside...

Home & Garden Holiday Gift Ideas

Conrad Decker of Decker's Nursery has found some unique gifts for the home and garden. Remarkable designs by independent makers, with a positive impact on people and our environment. Check it out!

Fall Foliage Senescence

People often wonder why are their evergreen leaves are turning yellow. In healthy plants these leaves are the ones from the inner part of the plant. As these leaves become more shaded and less photosynthetically efficient they begin to be shed from...

Fall Trees and Shrubs

With the growing season coming to a close and winter just around the corner, for many of us fall is a bittersweet time of the year. When shopping for trees & shrubs during the spring, it is difficult to also plan for fall in the garden. Yet once autu...

Fall Fertilizing Plants, Trees & Shrubs

Fall Fertilizing Plants, Trees & Shrubs

Fertilizing twice a year is the preferable practice rather than fertilizing every two to three years. The best time to fertilize is fall, generally in September or October. The next best time would be before growth begins in early spring, usually bet...

Fall Lawn Renovation

Caring for your lawn is a great feeling. You've worked toward this moment, and now the grass under your feet is in your hands. By learning how to care for your lawn, you can see your plans for lush, thick turf and backyard entertaining come true. Bel...

Growing and Harvesting Onions

Many of us think of Onions as a summer vegetable because it's often harvested later in the season. Onions should always be planted in spring because they require a somewhat long growing season. Planting in the fall is not recommended because the temp...

Everthing you need to know about Ladybug's in the Garden

As soon as the weather warms up and summer annuals are filling the tables, we begin to get calls asking if Ladybugs are available.  On Long Island everyone refers to these insects as ladybugs however they're also call Lady beetles and Ladybird beetle...

How to care for Fruit Trees

How to care for Fruit Trees

If you spend enough time in your home and garden to enjoy the harvest, there may be nothing quite as satisfying as plucking a fresh ripe piece of fruit from your own backyard tree. Fruiting trees, such as apple, pear, peach and others, are among the...

Creating Arrangements with Fresh Cut Garden Flowers

Creating Arrangements with Fresh Cut Garden Flowers

Flowers are inherently beautiful. The joy gained from walking past fresh flowers is valuable in and of itself. They don’t feed your belly, like a tomato plant, but they do feed your soul. Fresh cut flowers offer a special beauty that is only availa...

How To Get The Most Joy Out Of The Flowers In Your Garden

Summer provides joy in different ways for all of us. For me, the longer days provide time in the garden and the fruits of my labor are abundant right now. Each year I plant a cutting garden that allows me to take flowers indoors. I get great joy by h...