Evergreens for New Plantings in your Landscape

Choosing the right tree or shrub for your landscape could be a difficult task. In this video Conrad Decker will go through some Evergreens that are great for new plantings.

Choosing the Correct Soil & Compost for your Garden

There are so many different soils and compost to choose from. Which one is the right one? Should you buy potting soil, raised bed soil mix, or compost? In this video Conrad Decker will try to sort out this confusion and show you which product to use...

Popular East Plants 2023

Come visit Decker's Nursery and checkout our great selection of Easter & House plants.

How to Prune Roses

Pruning promotes growth. Every cut results in healthy growth that will eventually bear flowers. Pruning determines plant shape. In this video Conrad will cover your need to know basics for pruning roses.

use potting soil for indoor plants

Why Use Potting Soil for Your Indoor Plants

To answer that question, first consider what plants in general need to grow and thrive: sunlight, water, oxygen, and food. As part of this equation for indoor plants, it’s crucial to use the right type of soil that allows for proper drainage—and that...

different types of potting soil

Different Types of Potting Soil And Their Uses

Choosing the best types of potting soil for your flowers, herbs, and vegetables will greatly enhance your plant’s performance. In this article, we’ll describe some of the most in-demand types of potting soils, and we’ll use our varieties of Espoma Or...

potting soil vs potting mix

Potting Soil vs. Potting Mix: What's The Difference?

Because the terms are often used interchangeably, people often believe that they’re the same thing. There are, however, a few key differences and similarities that are worth mentioning so read on to learn more.

buddha garden statue

Materials Most Used for Outdoor Statues

Wide varieties of materials can be used for garden sculptures: from wood to metal, and from plastic to ceramic—and marble, resin, and concrete. Also on that list is stone, including cast stone. Choosing what material is right for you will depend on y...

angel garden statue

Ten Tips to Enhance the Visual Appeal of Your Garden Statues

When designing a garden, most people tend to focus on just the plants. However, incorporating statues and fountains not only add charm and elevate the beauty of your garden, but the placement and surrounding you choose for your statue can enhance its...